Sunday, May 8, 2016

New changes to the blog??

Oh my! When was the last time I blogged? I think it was when I took my women's hair cutting skill check. Well I passed that one, I passed my color skill check and I also passed my highlight skill check. All I have left is Mens haircut, but I haven't found a guy so I don't know when I will be taking that one. Tomorrow I start make up week. After that I shadow someone on the floor and then I get on the floor! That's when my schedule will be changing so hopefully I'll have more time to blog. Talking about blogging more I bought a Happy Planner to write down when to upload and what I want to upload. But I can't use it until July! Ugh! I want to start blogging about how i decorate my planner, maybe what I eat in a day, a day in my life, my monthly favorite youtubers and bloggers, and maybe a weekly update of school or every other week update.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Busy Busy Busy

I've been wanting to write a post since forever ago! I think the last time i wrote a post it was before school. So here is why I've been so busy. I started school, I didn't think I was going to be this busy or tired. First of all, my day starts at 7 a.m and ends at 10 p.m. I wake up at 7 a.m start driving to school at 8 a.m get there at around 8:50 a.m (i sit in traffic for half an hour!) School starts at 9 a.m and ends at 5 p.m. I sit in traffic again and get home at 6 p.m. I eat dinner, and lastly i study. I didn't think we were going to get as much book work but we do. Eventhough it's not hard it is very time consuming. So i really don't have time to do anything. I have so much things to do on the weekend and i still don't get everything done. I can't believe tomorrow statts week 4 of me being in school! I feel like i just started. Week 1: we learned how to blow dry with a round and paddle brush, how to curl with a Marcel iron, and how to use the straightner 4 different ways. Week 2: we learned updo and hairstyling. Week 3: was cutting women's hair. Week 4: is going to be about cutting men's hair. Tomorrow i have my first skill check!! I have to take a model and cut her hair. I'm so nervous but excited. I hope i pass!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

A letter to those who bullied me

Thanks for ruining my life! Thanks for making fun of me for so many years. Thanks for making me feel like i was never good enough. Thanks for making me think life would be better if i just killed myself, and thanks to those who told me to just kill myself! Some of you might think "oh! We were just kids" or "it wasn't that bad". I know other people have had it worse than me, but those same stupid people bullied me since elementary up to high school! No one has ever apologized, or said they regret it. Then theres others that might say they never bullied me but then you never helped! You never once tried to stop them, you never asked me if i was okay. All you ever did was laugh with them. Not only do i suffer from depression but i also have social anxiety. Besides being depressed(not wanting to see anyone, talk to anyone, just wanting to sleep all day) I really cant go out. I can't even go out with my family. My family always tell me "come on lets go! DON'T WORRY THERE WONT BE A LOT OF PEOPLE!" how fucking sad! I always have to ask if theres going to be a lot of people. You don't understand how much it sucks to be AFRAID of being around people. I can't go anywhere with my family nor myself without looking around. I'm so scared of people making fun of me, that if theres just ONE person behind/next to me or i have to talk to someone i have a panic attack. I can't breathe, i get dizzy, i start shaking, i just want to cry and leave that place. I hate it!!! And all because "they're just kids!" "They'll stop doing it once they grow up!". So once again, to those who bullied me and to those who didn't do shit and just watched Thanks For RUINING MY LIFE!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Holding on.

I've suffered with depression for a super long time. I'm tired, annoyed, angry. I just want to be happy! Some people say hapiness is a choice. For a depressed person, well atleast for me it's not. I try so hard(maybe not hard enough) to be happy, but I can't. I just can't. It feels like my brain won't let me. The moment I feel sort of happy I feel like there's something wrong. Something missing. I was thinking, maybe what's stopping me from being happy is all the anger I have. All the anger I feel towards my dad, my mom, life, the people that bullied me, and myself. But how do I let go? I try and try and try and try to let go and not be angry, but it's hard. How can I not feel anger towards the people that ruined my life. How can i not be mad at all the shit my dad has said to me and done. How can i not be mad at my mom for never standing up for herself and me. Why do I keep believing in all the things people say about me and not believe what I know about myself? Why can't I let go of all the anger I have!? Why is it easier holding on to all this anger that keeps building up than letting go?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Where is my life going?

I don't know what I'm doing with my life. I see all the people i went to high school having kids, getting married, some transferring colleges. I see people on social media i follow traveling, moving out, doing all these great things with their life. I feel like my life is just a waste. I've been so depressed that i feel like that has hold me back. I don't even know what i want to study. I've always loved styling hair. Ever since i was little I've said i wanted to become a cosmetologist. My dad has always been against it, he says thats not good a job. Ive also always loved the idea of teachig. I do love kids. And i would love to help kids with special needs. I love both, but I can't choose what i want to do. Can i do both?