Sunday, February 8, 2015

Oh Life...

Hello! I know i've been gone for so long. I'm sorry. But honestly, i've had no motivation/inspiration at all. I've been in a funk! Kinda depressed I guess. I'm feeling a lot better now though! Thank god! So life. It has been crazy from choosing a school, to debating what I actually want to study, to trying to find a job. I decided to go to a community college after all. I'm still not sure if i want to do cosmetology ot something else. I've applied in so many places. It's so stressful! Ok so i'm a bag hoarder right?!so i've been looking for a new bag. But I don't want to spend it on a bag that I don't really like. I've been looking at high end and at less pricey ones. I'm just so indecisive!! I want something cute but yet functional, something that goes with everything but yet stands out. So, so far the one I've seen that i really like is from Well it's actually 2. I like the Mini Speedy and the Regular Speedy. Now im debating on which one i want! Well once i decide i'll do a review and a what's in my bag post. Oh, btw you guys should check out the app! I'm obsessed with it! Its fun playing "love it or leave it" and "knowsy". Plus you get really good deals! And the app is FREE!!

Xoxo, Michelle<3

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The struggle of choosing a Blog name...

Hello. So let me tell you the struggle of choosing a Blog name now a days. First, I didn't want a blog name with my name. But then I saw that a lot of the girls i follow have their name on their blog/ youtube channel. I was going to put my name on the blog name, but (yes here comes the big scary 'BUT' again. lol) all the names i wanted with my name in it were taken. The most annoying thing was that all those blogs were taken by people that never blogged, blogged once or twice, and this was back then (2002-2007). I mean obvi they have forgotten about the blog, they havent blogged since then. Well after that, and annoying my sisters, bestfriend and cousin (sorry guys!), my sister came up with the name 'Life is better with Michelle'. Yayy! Finally a name that wasn't taken on I really wanted to start my Blog asap, but I didn't really like the name. I mean I liked it and all, but it wasn't me. I felt as if it made me seem to conceited. Totally not me. Trust me. That's why i just did 3 blogposts on that one. I just didn't feel motivated with that name. Then after thinking for so long again, and telling myself that I needed to choose a name. I came up with, the oh so great 'Soul of Glitter!' Now, this name is me. I love glitter. Anything and everything with glitter. lol So yes, i'll say my soul is made of glitter.
                                                     xoxo, Michelle<3

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Get to know me tag!

1)How old are you?

2)What nationality are you?

3)What grade are you in?
I just graduated this past June, but ill soon be in cosmetology school.

4)Do you have a job?
Not yet :(

5)What is your eye color?

6)What is your natural hair color?
Honestly, I've been coloring it for so long i don't even remember lol, mostly like black/dark dark brown

7)What type of skin do you have?
SUPER DUPER sensitive and dry skin

8)Do you have freckles?
Like 3 or 4 

9)Do you / did you have braces?

10)Whats your favorite perfume to wear?
None they all give me allergies :(

11)How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Less than 10 mins.

12)Whats your favorite color?
Pink, purple, between a baby blue & mint?

13)Heels or flats?

14)Gold or silver?

15)Do you have a boyfriend?

16)Do you have siblings?
Yes, 4 sisters.

17)Do you have pets?
Yesmy sisters. Haha but i do want to adopt a dog.

18)Have you ever been out of the country?
Yes, Mexico.

19)What is something that makes you nervous?
Everything and everyone. 
                                                 xoxo, Michelle<3

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Hello World! Welcome to my blog! My name is Michelle, i'm 19 and living in The Bay Area. I love fashion, makeup, hair (soon to be cosmetologist here!) and spending time with my family. I also LOVE glitter. haha. Well i want my blog to be a little of everything; from my story of being bullied, depressed, and dealing with anxiety, to plus size fashion, outer and inner beauty, and life. 
xoxo, Michelle<3
Follow my blog with Bloglovin